Tuesday, January 14, 2025
HomePraxis Center for AestheticsDo You Know How To Open Doors?

Do You Know How To Open Doors?

When the time is right for you to turn your art into your livelihood, where do you turn first? How does one build a successful career in the art world, a place notorious for its roadblocks and exclusive members-only status? The truth is that you absolutely can forge a life as a working artist, you simply need the right tools, just like with anything else. One of those tools is knowing what sort of opportunities are available – and there are a lot of them – here are a few to get you started.

Hybrida Space invites artists to apply for residency in Sweden between May and July 2023. Residency period is focused on the following question:

How can we, as a group, set collective goals and self-organize in ways that prioritize both individual creativity and communality?

The group in residence will work collaboratively to shape the program. Goals include:

– production of individual art projects
– organization of a communal household
– co-defining the curatorial framework and envisioning the final exhibition

For more information and to apply, visit the website. Deadline for applications is November 25.

MOAB Arts Re-Use Residency (MARR) invites applications from artists interested inexploring the intersection of art, community and waste systems. This four week residency period offers studio space, project and community facilitation, a $1500 stipend, access to unlimited materials at local waste disposal sites and time/space to focus solely on art. For more information and to apply, visit the website. Deadline for applications is November 30.

The Shirley Sherwood Collection invites submissions to the Young Botanical Artist Competition in collaboration with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. In their own words:

“Open to artists aged 16-25, The Young Botanical Artist competition invites entrants to submit a 2D botanical artwork on the subject of TREES. This could depict something as large as the entire tree or as small as a leaf bud. You could also choose the fruit, a decaying leaf, a branch, the moss-coated trunk or any other element that inspires you… provided it relates to trees.”

In addition to a cash prize, winning artwork will be exhibited at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery in the heart of Kew Gardens beginning October 2023. For more information and to submit your work, visit the website. Deadline for submissions has recently been extended from November to April 30, 2023.

Praxis Center is known for offering artists the keys to the kingdom. We help you unlock doors across the art world, giving you the resources you need to kick start your art career. Our results speak for themselves – and so do our artists. We are obsessed with thriving art careers and want yours to be the next one. Join Praxis today and see how far it takes you.

Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists, most recently Making it in the Art World.

Photo credit: The Shirley Sherwood Collection

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  1. I do. It’s the walking through them that seems to be my problem. Example: in Ketchum Idaho, twelve years ago, I went to the Hemingway Symposium. At the BnB in Hailey where I was staying the amazing hostess asked about what we all did. When I told her that I painted, and based on my personality presumably, she said I MUST go to her friend’s gallery in Ketchum. I did. With my laptop. The owner was out, but I spoke with the assistant director. I showed her my work. The gallery had some Dennis Hopper work, and other amazing contemporary art. Are you sitting down? She said, “Go back home. Paint a good body of work, say, ten pieces. Come back and we’ll put some up on the walls and see what happens.” Um. I went back home, yes, but into a nuclear sh*t show with the neighbor (property dispute not of my doing), and … you guessed it … time passed, life kept happening, and I never dared approach the gallery again. Wish me luck, as I’ve nothing to lose. Nothing adventured; nothing gained.


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