Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Free Stuff!

Who doesn’t want something for free in this world? For artists, there can be a lot of expense involved in building a career, from materials to studio space, continued education and all manner of other important things. The costs can really start to add up. But don’t despair, there are plenty of opportunities out there that are free to apply to and free to participate in. What’s more, some of them will even pay you. Read on for three such opportunities and then gather your submissions and put your hat in the ring for something free.

The biennial Compass Festival will take place in Leeds, England in November, 2020 and invites artists to submit their proposals for consideration. The festival presents live, interactive arts all over Leeds in a variety of venues. There is financial assistance available for chosen artists. For more details and to apply, visit the website. Deadline is November 8.

International Paper Triennial is accepting submissions from artists all over the world who work with paper. This international triennial offers three monetary prizes as well as an award voted on by the audience. To read more about it and to submit your own work, visit the website. Deadline is November 15.

Bamboo Curtain Studio is celebrating their 25th anniversary. In celebration they call on visual and performing artists and art practitioners of every discipline to enter their current open call. Those artists selected receive a free residency period as well as an artist stipend. For further information and to apply, visit the website. Deadline is November 17.

At Praxis Center we know that a career in art comes with a lot of expense. We respect that this can create significant barriers to those wishing to pursue their dreams of becoming a working artist. So we strive to bring you a calendar of opportunities that will help enrich your career and your practice while going easy on your bank account. Praxis also offers step by step guidance and expert advice to help you through the process of applying to the opportunities that will move your career ahead. There’s no better moment than right now to give us a try.

Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.


Photo credit: Musee Charmley International Paper Triennial

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