Tuesday, December 10, 2024


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King, Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

There are moments in time when it feels as though the rift that has opened in the hearts of all, in the very fabric of who we believe ourselves to be as humans, seems as though it will remain a gaping cavern forever. It can be near impossible to know how to respond in these times, how to take in the horrors laid bare before us. We must look to the light, believe that peace is possible, breed love and shut out hate. These are the strengths we bring to the table.

Judy Fox joined us to talk about her show, Harvest, currently running at Judy Hoffman Gallery. For this show, Fox, who is a sculptor living in the Hudson Valley, was inspired by the many farms surrounding her. During the pandemic, while locking down in her studio alone, Fox was searching for a way to speak to the mortal condition in a way that was approachable. This gave rise to her unique fruit and vegetable sculptures, each reminiscent of the human body. To learn more, listen to the complete interview.

Henry Mandell chatted with us about his current exhibition, Superunknown, on view at Anita Rogers Gallery until November 1. The work is the result of experimenting over the last three years, a time of isolation for many. Drawing on the wisdom that an artist’s job is to be comfortable moving from the known toward the unknown, he began exploring the concept of the superunknown as a way of becoming comfortable with the unknown. In addition, this title speaks to societal pushback against what we in fact do know thanks to science. To hear more from Henry Mandell, listen to the complete interview.

A few words to keep in your pocket

Open your heart to all.

Interviews are available on iTunes as podcasts, and for Android, please click here. All weekly essay pieces in a shareable format are here. The full archive of interviews is here.

Books to Read

What are you reading? Add your titles to our reading list here. Praxis user Marianne Barcellona recently read The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin.

Wildacres Retreat is accepting applications for artist residency. Up to 70 artists each year complete one-week residency periods, staying in cabins onsite. There is no internet and typically no cell service, except at the main part of the retreat site where there is WiFi, allowing for solitude and focus. For more information and to apply, visit the website. Deadline for applications is October 31.


Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists, most recently Making it in the Art World.



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