Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeNewsletterDwell on the beauty of life...

Dwell on the beauty of life…

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” -Marcus Aurelius

Beauty breaks through at the most unexpected moments. A bright bud bravely reaching up from a scorched forest floor or an azure sky in the eye of a hurricane. The human spirit too, breaks through unimaginable circumstances. Our unceasing optimism and unyielding ability to create represents the resilience of humankind. Art is a source of hope, a light in the darkness of so many nights.


Andrea Stanislav creates work that is rooted in political and wartime struggles within Russia. She explores the intersection of art within these desperate times. In part of her upcoming installation she references empty picture frames left hanging at the Hermitage during multiple invasions. “It was very much a message that the artwork will return,” she says. This idea that art will return and that the people will eventually prevail is threaded throughout her work. Stanislav examines “layers of history” juxtaposing beauty with horror. An orchestral concert played for a starving population, a beautiful park situated over mass graves. Her work has been exhibited around the world.

Shana Nys Dambrot is the consummate journalist. She displays an unceasing curiosity that led her to turn the tables during her interview with Praxis. Her work as a curator found her in Gagosian and Castelli galleries as well as Guggenheim. She transitioned to the world of art writing and these days is constantly involved in multiple projects across a broad range of media platforms. Formerly a New York-based artist, she move to LA over twenty years ago where she remains despite only intending to stay a short time. Dambrot’s inexhaustible energy for her work is palpable, “nothing is off the record,” she says.

Additional interviews include: Beverly Naidus and Matthew Schum

Interviews are available on iTunes as podcasts, and for Android please click here. All weekly essay pieces in a sharable format are here.

Books to Read

What are you reading? Add your titles to our reading list here. Andrea Stanislav turns to Secondhand Time by Svetlana Alexievich and user Kathleen Trestka has been reading This Lamentable City by Polina Barskova translated by Ilya Kaminsky.

Opportunities / Open Calls

Artists of robust and intrepid spirit are invited to spend ten weeks in residency in the dark of an Iceland winter. Skammdegi is an Icelandic word meaning dark winter. This residency offers a unique opportunity for immersion in extreme conditions. Fees for accommodation can be viewed on the festival website. Participating artists are expected to exhibit their work during the festival. Deadline for application is April 15.

A Few Words to Keep in your Pocket

The power of hope and beauty are unsurpassed. Even in the darkest hour it is possible to seek out a bright and shining light. And what we cannot seek out, we must simply create.


Weekly Edited Grant and Residency Deadlines – review the list here.

More Resources – For Artists Only – (weekly articles)

Artists and the Pursuit of Freedom — read more here

Popular Writings –

London, UK Non-Profit Spaces – read about some of the best.

Los Angeles, CA Non-Profit Spaces- read about some of the best.

New York City Non-Profit Spaces – read about some of the best.

Self Illumination –

Conquering Fear – read about methods and Pema Chodron.

The Trap of Self-Esteem and How to Break Free- read more here.

F*ck the Art World, F*ck Consumerism! – read more here.

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