Friday, February 14, 2025

Is it Worth it?

We devote a lot of time to telling you just how you should be managing your time and, in turn, you discover that a lot of your time needs to be devoted to things that aren’t necessarily your artistic practice. For those who are new to the development of an art career, this can be something of a frustration. Even though you know how your time needs to be spent, it can be a struggle to discipline yourself enough to do it. And for what? Is there really a payoff there? After all, for every application you send in you are up against who knows how many other artists.

The answer is yes. We not only show you how to make your time work for you, we also bring you the results from artists just like you who have seen how this sort of discipline pays off. Praxis student Sasha is preparing to take a leap and attend a residency. In her own words:

“I decided to accept the residency at Chateau D’Orquevaux in France!!!!! took me a lot of soul searching to decide to spend the money (even though they give a grant) but finally i accepted. so i better have a studio sale soon. i know i will be very inspired there – it is a beautiful place. thanks so much for your support and ideas. will post photos.

There you have it. We here at Praxis Center know how overwhelming it can feel to discover that you need to devote regular time to applications for funding and residencies, to reaching out to potential patrons and galleries – but we want you to know and believe that it will pay off. Maybe not right away (in fact almost definitely not right away) but there will be a residency that’s right for you and there are funding opportunities out there that are achievable. Your art will hang on gallery walls and patrons will sponsor and purchase your work. When you become a member of Praxis, you unlock the tools to take your career to the next level. We believe you can do it and we’ll show you how.


Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and the forthcoming Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.

Signed and doodled copies of these books can be purchased from Praxis Center.


Golden Artist Colors began publishing the Just Paint newsletter in 1989, a source for information about painting techniques, product information, and the latest research in art materials. Now online, has become one of the most exhaustive resources for technical information in fine art. With the new Just Paint Experience, GOLDEN is expanding the concept to provide artists with quick-reading, studio-oriented content to help bring their visions to life.

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