Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeMental StrategiesIt Could Happen to You

It Could Happen to You

There are moments when it all comes together. When hard work pays off and you truly see what it’s all for. Of course, anyone who sets out to create art as a living does so not with the intention of winning competitions – we do it for the love of the process, our craft itself. That said, those times when others recognize our work, see the merit in our passion the way we hope it translates to the world – those times remind us that there is more to this than just loving the act of creation.

Praxis student Joyce recently experienced one of these moments, and it wasn’t her first. Nor is it likely to be her last. She has seen first hand that a career in the arts can pay off in more ways than one, offering food for the soul and more earthly delights as well. In her own words:

My work was selected from over 7241 entries from 79 countries for 5 awards from the12th International Color Awards. An international jury selected the awards and I am thrilled to have received them. My work has been recognized with awards from the International Color Awards in the last 4 competition. This is thrilling for me since the selected images chosen from this international competition show the variety and depth of world photography at this point in time.

Praxis Center is designed to help artists find these aha moments. These times when they experience what it means to succeed at something while doing what it is they love to do. Our courses are created with the practicing artist in mind, a way to help navigate the details about the art world and business that might not be too obvious. When you subscribe for just $40/month, you gain the wisdom of experts and a community of peers all at the ready to help you achieve your artistic goals. It happened to Joyce, why not let it happen to you.


Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and the forthcoming Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.

Signed and doodled copies of these books can be purchased from Praxis Center.


Golden Artist Colors began publishing the Just Paint newsletter in 1989, a source for information about painting techniques, product information, and the latest research in art materials. Now online, has become one of the most exhaustive resources for technical information in fine art. With the new Just Paint Experience, GOLDEN is expanding the concept to provide artists with quick-reading, studio-oriented content to help bring their visions to life.

When you subscribe to Just Paint Experience (free), you’ll receive access to exclusive content. GOLDEN will also notify you whenever there is new content added to the site.


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