Friday, January 24, 2025

Know Before You Go

Art can take you everywhere if you let it. There are festivals around the world where you can find yourself showing, but you’ll never get in if you don’t apply. We have talked often over the years about notable events across the globe and we are proud to see many Praxis students reaching out and grabbing these opportunities.

Georgina is one such student who recently posted an international victory of her own:

Life-sized Photo prints of my large scale porcelain sculptures have just been accepted into the Surfaces Festival in Venice, Italy for the Places Exhibition. As large format photo prints are unfamiliar territory for me I would appreciate any tips on how to ensure the best result. I would like to have these printed in Italy to avoid the shipping and customs at least one way, but since I don’t speak Italian, I want to at least know what I am ordering in english first!

This post so aptly demonstrates many of the most important pieces of the Praxis philosophy. It shows that artists can attain big goals if they are willing to put themselves and their work on the line. And it shows that our community matters when it comes to asking for help.

Georgina’s willingness to reach out to the Praxis community for assistance with the pieces of this adventure that she is unsure of makes us very proud. We work hard to cultivate an atmosphere of safety where artists at every level can feel comfortable asking questions no matter how big or small, secure in the knowledge that they will get nothing but support and the answers they are looking for.

There is a whole world out there for the taking and that is very exciting. But the world is a very big place and no one can know every piece of it. Sometimes we need a little help and that’s where we come in. When you enroll as a Praxis student you instantly step into a global community of artists and experts who have stood in your shoes or who hope to. We help each other and we celebrate victories. No question is unimportant. Now when was the last time somebody told you that…and meant it!

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Next articleMake Time for This…


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