Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Make Today Your Day

Stand up and be counted. No matter what else is going on in your life, there are times when you must make your presence – and your voice – known. That may mean participating in your civic duty or expressing your opinion about the actions taking place around you — and it may mean making sure that your artwork finds the light of day so that the world can benefit from your vision. As a career artist, it is up to you to locate those opportunities that allow you to do this. Here are a few, including one flash opportunity with a close deadline, to get you on your way to standing up.

Flash Opportunity Nord Art, one of the largest contemporary art exhibitions in Europe, was unable to go forward for 2020. The pandemic forced them to shelve plans and reevaluate for next year. They intend to hold the art that was submitted for this year but will still open up the call for further work. This flash opportunity ends in just three days. Visit the website right away to see if this opportunity is right for you. Deadline is October 31.

The Artists Association of Tyrolean Artists announces an open call for submissions to their latest public art project. The theme is Staying with the Trouble and the Association is looking for forms, dynamics and methods of togetherness, care and empathy. Some background for this call, in their own words:

The path into the 21st century is marked by political, social and economic upheavals, shifts and changes. A supposedly paradisiacal past is contrasted with an apparently apocalyptic future. In this often polarizing mood, it is all the more important to make the diversity and complexity of our contemporary society visible, to form alliances and enter into complicity.

For more information and eligibility, visit the website. Deadline for submissions is November 8.

Land Art Mongolia is accepting submissions for their 6th biennial to be held July 21 – September 24, 2021. The theme of this edition is A Nomadic Horizon and the biennial will be structured into sub-thematic parts: The New Horizon, From Countryside to Urban Spaces, Sustainable Tools and The Sacred Gobi (at the origin of the World). To learn more about these themes, and for more information, visit the website. Deadline for submissions is November 30.

Praxis Center believes that everyone has something worth contributing to the world. We know well that daily life gets in the way and that it takes concentrated effort to ensure you’re managing to wend a path forward in your artistic endeavors no matter what else may be happening around you. Pick one opportunity a month or a week and go for it. It is imperative you put your work – and yourself – out there for all to see.

Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.


Photo credit: wikimedia commons


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