Friday, January 24, 2025

The Heat Is On

As the heat of summer scorches, now is the time to retreat to the shaded comfort of the indoors and seek out opportunities to help further your artistic career. Rather than letting these long summer months wilt your ambitions, use this time to stack the deck, packing your schedule with time to find and apply for as many opportunities as you can that suit your work. Remember, not every opportunity will be a good match, but there are always those out there that fit. Never stop seeking.

As the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment approaches, the Elisabet Ney Museum invites women photographers to share photos the comment on the Centennial of the 19th amendment. Please see the website for full guidelines. Deadline is July 20.

Verandah Journal, a publication of Deakin University, invites artists to submit previously unpublished work for consideration in their upcoming issue. There is a small fee for those who are not students of Deakin University. For more information, visit the website. Deadline is July 20.

The Arts in Mitigation Fund invites artists to apply for grant funding. In their own words, they are looking to support: projects that expand the public’s understanding, through the arts, of how people are integral to our lifelines. The intended outcome of the funding is to make visible often unseen and under-supported lifeline and to cultivate a greater understanding of how we’re all in this together. For more details, visit the website. Deadline is July 21.

Praxis Center isn’t your every day art school. We are a small organization dedicated to teaching you the reality of the art world, the things that may not meet the artist’s eye at first. Whether you need a boost finding and applying for grants, open calls, residencies and other opportunities, or you seek a supportive community of colleagues and experts there to help you succeed, look no further. Praxis is exactly where you need to be.

Join GOLDEN on Facebook Live!
In these uncertain times, our first responsibility is assuring staff, their families and our entire art community is safe. We hope to turn the page on this devastating virus and return to normalcy soon. In the meantime, we continue sharing educational resources and have developed new Facebook Live events, providing an informal and intimate opportunity to meet artists and engage in topics we all love. Follow the GOLDEN Facebook page to join!

Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.


Photo credit: Wiki Commons



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