Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What’s Next?

What will it take for you to reach that next level? Does it mean finding your first exhibition opportunity or landing a grant to continue your work? Perhaps you’re ready to strike out into the world for a residency period. Whatever it is you seek, it is important to know that there are opportunities out there for every artist. Will you win every time? Of course not. But does that mean you should stop trying? Absolutely not! We like to say that you will never receive an opportunity you don’t apply for. So decide what it is that you want next and search it out. Here are three opportunities with upcoming deadlines to get you started.

PDP (Print Design Photography) XI Creative Media Conference is accepting submissions for this year’s poster design. The topic of this year’s conference is Absorption. This call is open to graphic artwork and single series photography. All artwork must be submitted as a PDF no larger than 5 MB per file. Up to three submissions are allowed per artist. For full details, and to submit your poster designs, visit the website. Deadline for submissions is July 15.

Blue Project Foundation, based in Barcelona, Spain, invites artists and collaborative groups to apply for residency. The aim of the program is to promote and support national and international artistic creation. Blue Project provides assistance to artists whose work is relevant to and a reflection of today’s social, aesthetic and intellectual issues. Three projects will be chosen to participate and will receive considerable material and financial support from the foundation. For full details please visit the website. Deadline for proposals is July 18.

Photographers from around the world are invited to submit their work for consideration to the International Photography Grant. One winner will receive $1000. Categories include Creative, Documentary, Landscape, Portrait and Travel. There is no fee for entry. For further details and to enter, visit the website. Deadline for submissions is August 31.

Praxis Center is dedicated to helping artists find their next step. Whether that means your first professional endeavor or taking your already existing artistic career to the next level, we are here to help you with the skills – and the confidence you need to succeed. When you join you receive tailored course material designed to help bolster the practical side of the art world. You also access a community of peers and experts to help you along the way. It doesn’t matter if your new to the art world or a seasoned professional already, Praxis has something to offer everyone.

Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and the forthcoming Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.

Signed and doodled copies of these books can be purchased from Praxis Center.

Golden Artist Colors began publishing the Just Paint newsletter in 1989, a source for information about painting techniques, product information, and the latest research in art materials. Now online, has become one of the most exhaustive resources for technical information in fine art. With the new Just Paint Experience, GOLDEN is expanding the concept to provide artists with quick-reading, studio-oriented content to help bring their visions to life.

When you subscribe to Just Paint Experience (free), you’ll receive access to exclusive content. GOLDEN will also notify you whenever there is new content added to the site.

Photo credit: International Photography Grant

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  1. Brainard—just a word of “Thanks for your good work!”

    I’m very impressed with you and the poetic/creative maker-doers you’ve encouraged-assisted-guided in their Gnothi- seauton – “Holzwegg”/“Know Yourself”-own ‘Voice’/Dasein-‘Chauncey Gardner’ ways.

    Question: are you ‘involved’ also in selecting/recommending applicants-nominees? to finder-funding sources?

    (If not … strikes me you should be. This is a great service to the arts artists you/yours (over pooling?) perform. Our little happenstance chat there years ago pushed me to to understand why Rembrandt painted “Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer” and Paul C painted only one “The Cracked House” and Peter Seller’s final/last character-act was Being-There—“Chauncey Gardner”.
    Best wishes, djk

    • Thank you Daniel! I very much appreciate your words here.
      I agree, a type of match – maker service where I suggest possible pairings of artists and patrons? Is that what you meant? That is a need I hear of often, and I will work on that. That type of service/research exists for large nonprofits and is called “Donor Prospecting” . In that case, as a nonprofit org., you pay an organization for ‘donor prospecting’ $10k or at least 5k a month and they find you a list of likely donors and then the non profit org. writes to the donors themselves with the list of names of donors they paid for. There is nothing like that for individual artists though, but maybe that model could work.


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