Wednesday, January 15, 2025
HomePraxis Center for AestheticsDo you Like to Submit?

Do you Like to Submit?

“Get used to disappointment.” So says the Man in Black in the iconic film The Princess Bride. His is a wise lesson for anyone, but particularly for those competing in a world filled with others reaching for the same goal. Disappointment and rejection are part of the game, but getting used to them is something that every artist must do. I’d even go so far as to say it would be wise to learn to thrive with them. Because for every acceptance there will be more rejections but that isn’t a reason to give up. On the contrary, every time you are told no, this should spur you on to try again two fold. Only in this way will you begin to pile up acceptances. Take a look at some of the open calls below for various journals and practice your submission.

Antithesis Journal invites artists living in Australia to submit work for review for the 2020 edition titled Mental. Those living overseas may also apply but must send their pitch to a separate address first for consideration. For this open call, they ask the following question:

What is ‘mental’? Does it solely refer to the inner workings of the mind? Is it an exclamation attached to an extraordinary occurrence, or inherently tied to mental health? How has the word affected humanity throughout history? How does the label ‘mental’ entwine, enrich or even damage one’s sense of self? Can the word be reclaimed from its loaded history?”

Please visit the website for full details. Deadline for submissions is May 31.

The Ilanot Review is accepting submissions for their fall issue titled Toxic. When they chose the theme for the fall 2020 issue, they could not have imagined the rise of COVID-19. The initial intention was to shed light on climate change, pollution, even toxic relationships. They ask that submissions be in some way related to the theme of toxicity. While this is primarily a literary journal, they seek artwork for inclusion within the journal as well as for the cover. See the website for more information. Deadline is May 30.

Split Lip Magazine accepts artist submissions for consideration. Throughout the year they have some months with free submissions available and others with tip jar submissions available. There is a $50 payment to every artist chosen for the magazine. For details, visit the website.

Praxis Center knows full well that a career in the arts is no day at the beach. We are here to support you as you navigate your chosen path, to offer the very best information and expertise on how to make the most of your ability. Join us today and invite yourself into a world of colleagues, networking, professional discussion and critique and see where it might take you.

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In these uncertain times, our first responsibility is assuring staff, their families and our entire art community is safe. We hope to turn the page on this devastating virus and return to normalcy soon. In the meantime, we continue sharing educational resources and have developed new Facebook Live events, providing an informal and intimate opportunity to meet artists and engage in topics we all love. Follow the GOLDEN Facebook page to join!

Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists; Making it in the Art World, New Markets for Artists, The Art World Demystified, Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius and Succeed with Social Media Like a Creative Genius.

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