Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeNewsletterArt Lasts, Life is Short (Ars Longa, Vita Brevis)

Art Lasts, Life is Short (Ars Longa, Vita Brevis)

The philosopher Seneca wrote, “Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.” In a world, and presently a nation, where society is hostile to those who fall outside a perceived moral norm, indeed it can take a great deal of courage not just to live, but to live authentically. When society says that the very foundation of who we are is wrong, who among us would not be shaken to the core? Across the US, states are embattled over the rights of those who want nothing but to live as they are. Fear drives humans to extremes, we often seek to extinguish that which we cannot understand. We mustn’t allow instinctive emotions to cloud our judgment, rather as a global community it is critical that we strive to accept that there are many ways of living.


Hana van der Kolk creates moving pieces that explore the interaction of body and mind. She draws influence from Deborah Hay whose work focuses on how the body perceives. Through collaborative movement and dance, van der Kolk investigates gender, work, sex, nature, and politics. She seeks to destabilize our notions of these themes. Living in Troy, New York removes van der kolk from a larger community of artists but this has not deterred her from continuing her work. Art has remained an important part of her life while she pursues her position as useful member of her small community incorporating sustainable living practices into her life. The piece Somewhere feels steeped in this theme.

Brian Getnick is a Los Angeles based artist, curator, and writer. He runs a small theater in Highland Park called PAM offering residencies to artists who work primarily in performance. Upon his initial arrival in LA, Getnick got swept up in the queer underground nightlife scene where he encountered what he describes as performances he would expect to see in a gallery. Getnick began making costumes for performers in the queer and drag scene. Costume became a part of his own social nightlife where Getnick found people gravitate toward costuming. These experiences changed his perception of himself as a static, gallery-based sculptor opening a door to performative sculpture.

Additional interviews include: Tom Leeser, Gabie Strong, Carl Ostendarp, and Shana Nys Dambrot

Interviews are available on iTunes as podcasts, and for Android please click here. All weekly essay pieces in a sharable format are here.

Books to Read

What are you reading? Add your titles to our reading list here. Hana van der Kolk discussed the book Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson and Brian Getnick has been reading The Children’s Book by A.S. Byatt.

Opportunities / Open Calls

An open call is always extended to artists interested in the opportunity to have their work on display at the Brentwood Community Center in Brentwood, California. Eligibility is national, though there is often a focus on artists from in and around the Brentwood community. There is a rolling deadline for this opportunity with new exhibitions approximately six times per year.

A Few Words to Keep in your Pocket

Live courageously or merely live which in itself is an act of courage. Do not let who you are be dictated or suppressed by the experiences of others, rather seek to spread courage to the world that we may understand one another and live side by side.

Deadlines –

Weekly Edited Grant and Residency Deadlines – review the list here.

More Resources – For Artists Only – (weekly articles)

The Art World is a Mafia, You Can’t Break in unless… – Read More here

Real Artists Case History: Stacey Kirby – Read More here

Popular Writings –

Non-profit spaces to know –

London, UK Non-Profit Spaces – read about some of the best.

Los Angeles, CA Non-Profit Spaces- read about some of the best.

New York City Non-Profit Spaces – read about some of the best.

Self Illumination –

Conquering Fear – read about methods and Pema Chodron.

The Trap of Self-Esteem and How to Break Free- read more here.

F*ck the Art World, F*ck Consumerism! – read more here.



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